Online Booking Made Simple

See available dates, book, & pay for your session all at once! Need a time or date that isn't showing as available? Need payment options? Need a session that isn't listed? Click here to get ahold of me, and we can get all of your questions and needs taken care of. All bookings will go directly to my inbox for me to confirm availability. I will then get ahold of you-- if we haven't already been chatting-- to go over where you want your session to take place. Hit the "Book Session" button to get started!

Common Booking Questions

I see add on's are available on the investment page, how do I book those?

If the add on's aren't showing up when you go through the online booking process feel free to complete your process without them, and let me know afterwards and I can add them on for you OR just go through the contact form and I can create a custom invoice for you.

What do the different newborn options mean?

Maternity: In studio, home, or outdoor session typically done between weeks 28 to 34.

Fresh 48: Typically done in the hospital within 48 hours of birth. These are not posed newborn shots, they are more lifestyle and story telling. They can also be done at home within the first few days home.

Lifestyle: These are done to show off baby without the individual "formal" posed shots. Mom, Dad, and siblings are all included in these photo's. You'll do plenty of snuggling and just enjoying the new addition to your family to get beautiful authentic photo's. These can be done in studio or in the comfort of your home.

Posed: These are the posed set up's of just your little one that include all of the wraps, props, bows, and tiny outfits.

What if I don't know what date I will need my newborn session to be?

If you know the date you want your session put it in when booking (for maternity or Fresh 48's with a planned delivery date), if you are unsure of an exact date just put in your due date and I will be in contact to get a plan in place.

When I pick my maternity/newborn package will I be able to put in my package options?

If you need to pick from maternity OR fresh 48, I will ask you when I confirm your booking which options you are planning on.

What if I need a session type that isn't on the online book platform?

Sessions that aren't on the booking platform are ones with custom prices because they are based on duration, location, and what exactly is needed.

Events, branding, and labor/delivery aren't on the online booking simply because they are always different and need to be customized to fit your needs.

Paying with cash instead of card? Have more questions or need help?

Contact me however is easiest for you, and we will get you sorted out and on the calendar!


Facebook & Instagram: @encorephotographyep

Or use the Contact form that can be found below too, it goes straight to my inbox.

Have more questions or need help? Send a message